1stClass@Writing: Dragon Hunters is a highly motivating and effective intervention delivered by a specially trained teaching assistant to children in Year 4 or 5 who have fallen behind in writing.
1stClass@Writing comes ‘ready-made’ with detailed lessons plans and engaging resources. Teaching assistants receive 3 full days of training to prepare them to deliver 60 stimulating and motivating 40 minute lessons to a group of 4 children, 4 times a week, in addition to their daily class lessons.
The children develop key skills in spelling, handwriting, grammar and punctuation in order to complete daily writing tasks relating to the adventure stories. They are taught how to develop their composition and editing skills through a balance of supported ‘one-liners’ as well as sustained, independent writing.
1stClass@Writing is an Every Child Counts intervention from Edge Hill University
Day 1: Thursday 4 October 9.15-3.15
Day 2: Wednesday 7 November 9.15-3.15
Day 3: Wednesday 16 January 9.15-3.15
To reserve your place please click here.
To discuss further, please contact Julie. Email: julie@innovateducation.co.uk Tel: 07712 775574