Join this ‘hands-on’ three-day course, which is aimed at practitioners from both settings and schools, to develop a secure understanding about not only the broad range of counting experiences that children benefit from gaining, but also important early maths skills that make accessing calculation possible later.
By the end of the training participants will:
understand early mathematical concepts that it is important for children to develop deep understanding around, including through the use of everyday contexts and resources
be able to help young children fully explore (and/or articulate) their mathematical thinking whilst moving from counting to calculation
understand key principles associated with implementing a mastery approach in mathematics
develop a wide range of opportunities for enhancing day-to-day provision for mathematical development, including in the context of problem solving, using the full environment
review Early Years related policy linked with the learning and teaching of mathematics
ensure professional learning is developed across all staff members in the provision, so that positive attitudes to mathematics are promoted as part of children’s learning experiences.
To find out more and book your place, click here.